
Showing posts from December, 2018

Confederate Monuments

Confederate Monuments My great grandfather fought for the Confederacy, so I like the monuments. However, I understand how they might be offensive to black people and others. Therefore I suggest, if this is an issue, that a simple vote be taken and let majority rule. What IS important to me is that they be relocated to a national battlefield such as Gettysburg or Chickamauga. These parks are dedicated to the Civil War and are covered with monuments from both sides. This is the suitable place for these unwanted monuments. For example, monuments recently removed from New Orleans should be moved to the Vicksburg national Military Park.

Defense of Facebook

Defense of Facebook Everyone seems to think Facebook has been negligent in protecting data and policing the use of their platform. But I submit, Facebook is new technology. I’ve been around a long time and I’ve seen computer systems evolve over time. I doubt if anyone at Facebook could have predicted as late as 2012, the way the Russians and other criminal actors could have perverted its use. Or how political the platform has become. I remember telling my kids when Facebook first came out, not to put personal data out there because it could go anywhere, be used for anything, and could never be retrieved. Now that Zuckerberg knows what can happen, he needs to find ways to prevent bad usage in the future. The users of Facebook, like myself, need to stop using the “share” button and only place original content on our pages, being mindful that our political opinions may not be the same as our friends. That’s okay, and no amount of political preaching will change their minds. https://

Nuclear Power

Nuclear Power I know! It’s dangerous and the waste is radioactive for 10,000 years. But, I believe it CAN be part of the solution to climate change. First, it could replace all the coal, oil, and gas fired power plants which all produce C02. From nuclear power produced electricity, we could build electrified rails on the freeways between cities to power electric cars. We could build desalinization plants to produce fresh water. We could build huge plants to remove co2 directly from the atmosphere or from the ocean water. Reactors built today are safer, so a Fukushima style event is much less likely again. The high level radioactive waste (fuel rods) could be encapsulated and shot into space to orbit some distant planet or allowed to burn up in the sun. Carbon polymers derived from coal and oil should be used to make things, not be burned for fuel. Just an idea.


Ultrasound I recently watched a documentary about a soldier whose brain was damaged by an explosion near to him. It seems the concussive force through the air was transmitted through his brain as a wave form that tore at the cellular fabric of his brain. Pretty scary! Isn’t this similar to the waves generated by an ultrasound examination of an unborn fetus? I realize the wave is probably much less intense, but the fetuses’ brain is developing. Any disturbance, especially a sonic wave traveling through its tissue over a period of several minutes is not something nature ever meant to happen. How long have ultrasounds been performed, and is there any correlation between the advent of these examinations and various new child hood abnormalities such as autism? Has anyone looked into this? Just an idea.


I don’t know much about autism, but I’ve been on the planet a long time and I notice things. When I was a child in school, back in the 50s and 60s, I never encountered a child with autism. During those years I lived in California, Florida, and Tennessee. I don’t remember the condition ever mentioned. So what has changed? One thing that comes to mind is corporal punishment. There is nothing that will stimulate a child’s mind quite like a good spanking on the butt. I can say from personal experience as a child. I realize my observations about this is not main stream, but I notice what I notice and I believe the concept is worth investigating. Just an idea.

Shade the planet – Reflective belt

In other posts I have mentioned the fact that it is too late to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere due to overpopulation and other factors. I have mentioned other ways to shade the planet, including particles at the LaGrange point and atmospheric dust. My latest idea is to reflect a small portion of sunlight by placing reflectors in orbit. Hundreds of reflective arrays, about a mile in diameter, could be placed in geo-synchronous orbit to create a reflective belt around the equator. This would reflect a portion of the sunlight back out into space and be part of a solution to reduce global warming. Just an idea.