Defense of Facebook

Defense of Facebook
Everyone seems to think Facebook has been negligent in protecting data and policing the use of their platform. But I submit, Facebook is new technology. I’ve been around a long time and I’ve seen computer systems evolve over time. I doubt if anyone at Facebook could have predicted as late as 2012, the way the Russians and other criminal actors could have perverted its use. Or how political the platform has become. I remember telling my kids when Facebook first came out, not to put personal data out there because it could go anywhere, be used for anything, and could never be retrieved. Now that Zuckerberg knows what can happen, he needs to find ways to prevent bad usage in the future. The users of Facebook, like myself, need to stop using the “share” button and only place original content on our pages, being mindful that our political opinions may not be the same as our friends. That’s okay, and no amount of political preaching will change their minds.


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