
Showing posts from November, 2018


Overpopulation One aspect of climate change I have not heard anyone write about, is the problem of overpopulation. Seven billion today, twelve billion in twenty years. The Earth’s climate hasn’t got a chance. For me to take climate accords seriously, there has to be a plan to mitigate the impact of billions of human beings. My solution is not to limit births or life spans. It is to build or find new habitat in space for future generations. Specifically, mine the asteroids in the asteroid belt for the materials necessary. In this scenario overpopulation becomes an asset. There are a lot of options already thought up, from Mars colonies to orbiting ring worlds to habitats built directly in the asteroid belts as a result of mining operations. My point is that reversing climate change by addressing only CO2 production misses the root cause of the problem. Twelve billion or more humans will require resources the Earth may not be able to provide. Will civilization collapse as we fight for

Shade the Planet-LaGrange Point

Shade the Planet-LaGrange Point There is a point in space where the gravitational forces of the Earth and the Sun are at equilibrium. It’s called a LaGrange point and it follows the Earth as it orbits the Sun. Point L1 always stays between the Earth and the Sun. Elon Musk, if you’re reading this, we could place some sort of cloud of particles at L1 to shade the planet and lower the overall temperatures by reflecting some portion of sunlight. Granted, it would take a lot of particles but might contribute to others ways of shading the planet I’ve mentioned in other posts. It’s too late to control or even reduce CO2, so we need to think out of the box when it comes to global warming. Just an idea.

Writing – Outline

Writing – Outline I have been asked for my advice on writing novels, so here goes. If you’re telling a story, start with an outline. This will generally become the chapters of the book. Let your imagination soar, and get it all down on paper in outline form. Not too detailed, because as you write you find new opportunities for plot or character development you had not thought of before. Don’t be afraid to depart from the outline, just know where you are going to avoid writing yourself into a box.

Russian Election Interference

Russian Election Interference The US needs to retaliate against Russia for their interference in our elections. It needs to be a cyber action that is severe enough to make them stop any more interference. Problem is, our infrastructure is more thoroughly controlled by computers than theirs. Hydroelectric dams, power plants, factories etc. are connected to the internet using SCADA (System Control and Data Acquisition) software. This allows process computers, such as Allen-Bradley or Siemens, to be controlled over the internet. Plant Managers! You need to pull that Cat-5 cable out of your process computer and forget about remote control. This will prevent your plant from being attacked by some agent in Russia or anywhere else. Once our government is confident this has been done on critical plants, they should mount a cyber-attack against Russia that shuts down power all over the country or otherwise make them pay a heavy price for their actions. Of course they will harden their syste
Federal Sales Tax We desperately need to reform the tax system in the US. I propose we do away with an “income tax” and adopt a federal “sales tax”. This would be self-regulating and self-compensating. The rich would pay more and the poor would pay less at their own discretion. No more deductions, no more filing, no more tax shelters. No more IRS or tax industry as a whole. A sales tax on everything except food, medicine and health care, for example, would benefit everyone. No one could avoid it. Opponents say it slow down spending and depress the economy. But if your income is already reduced by an income tax payment, then how can you spend that income? A federal sales tax, at the right level, would solve a lot of problems and put more money into federal coffers than ever before. It would be more simple, more fair, and more efficient. Just an idea – Rabb
Dust in the atmosphere, Big Problems Big Ideas - Climate Change In previous posts, I discussed why C02 reduction is improbable. That being the case, what else could we do to reduce the temperature of the atmosphere? In 1816 the Tambora volcano erupted and put so much ash into the atmosphere that it reflected enough sunlight to reduce average temperatures that year as much as 1.3 degrees F. This proves it can be done. I’m not suggesting we induce some volcano to erupt, but it might be possible to put some less destructive particle into the stratosphere that will have the same effect.   Do we have commercial airliners that fly high enough every day? I’m not a chemist but suppose these planes discharged say 500 pounds of calcium carbonate on every trip, every day, everywhere. Over time that might be enough to slow, stop or even reduce global temperatures, and reduce the acidification of the oceans. Just an idea – Rabb

The Other Side of Tomorrow

My New Novel I have just completed a new novel called “The Other Side of Tomorrow”, and published it on Amazon Kindle. It is another science fiction about a new colony on a planet called Carina 3. It is a sequel to “The Suns Own Tomorrow”, but is also a stand alone story. I’m pretty pleased with it and I hope it will entertain my readers. Buy my book.


Comments I have been posting comments on Facebook, Google+, Blogger and Goodreads. The comments I post on these sites shall always be my original compositions, with nothing “shared” from others. There will be no political messaging from me on these sites either. I reserve my political opinions, and there are many, to Twitter. If you like what I have to say then please follow me on these sites.

Mission to Mars

Mission to Mars Billions of dollars will be spent to put humans on Mars in the near future. Volunteers for these missions need to agree to a one way ride. They may never return to Earth, and if they do it may be a long time in the future. Colonists to the western hemisphere came to stay, most of them, and efforts to colonize Mars need to concentrate on creating a suitable long term habitat rather than the considerable effort necessary to get back home. Tourists go somewhere, look around, and then return home. This is NOT what Mars missions should be about. Spend the resources necessary to come back on what is necessary to stay.
Climate Change-CO2 Production-Opinion Problem Statement:             You can't talk about climate change without discussing CO2 production, if you believe it is one of the causes. Some do not believe that CO2 is the cause of global warming, but I do. Climate change is so much more than CO2. It is over population, it is about power generation, and a host of other causes. This may seem extreme to you, but in my opinion, the earth's environment will be destroyed by overpopulation. As we approach nine billion people, the environment doesn't have a chance. All we can do is slow down the rate of change. For this segment I am going to limit my comments to the production of CO2. In other posts I will take on other aspects of climate change and my ideas to solve or mitigate the problem, or otherwise cool the planet.             It is too late to reduce CO2. The horses are out of the barn, if you will. The burning of fossil fuels generates CO2. Coal, oil, gasoline, natura
This is a new beginning on this account. My name is Rabb Marcellus and I am a published author. You may find my novels on Amazon and I hope you do. My objective here is to create a conversation about problem solving. I’m calling it “Big Problems Big Ideas”. This planet has a lot of problems and I have a lot of ideas on how to solve them. So, I’m going to use this space to post my ideas and solicit others to do the same. Perhaps a crazy idea from me will spark a really good idea in someone else who has the connections to take the solution and run with it. The power of the internet. I have a technical background, and lots of physics courses in the distant past. Mostly I seem to have a fertile imagination and I’m sure I’m not alone. So I will be posting my ideas in the near future and I hope there are those out there who will be eager to participate with me.