Climate Change-CO2 Production-Opinion

Problem Statement:

            You can't talk about climate change without discussing CO2 production, if you believe it is one of the causes. Some do not believe that CO2 is the cause of global warming, but I do. Climate change is so much more than CO2. It is over population, it is about power generation, and a host of other causes. This may seem extreme to you, but in my opinion, the earth's environment will be destroyed by overpopulation. As we approach nine billion people, the environment doesn't have a chance. All we can do is slow down the rate of change. For this segment I am going to limit my comments to the production of CO2. In other posts I will take on other aspects of climate change and my ideas to solve or mitigate the problem, or otherwise cool the planet.
            It is too late to reduce CO2. The horses are out of the barn, if you will. The burning of fossil fuels generates CO2. Coal, oil, gasoline, natural gas, wood, diesel, and so forth. Breathing generates CO2, from rats to humans. Mammals, lizards, birds, insects, in short all animals take in O2 and exhale or give off CO2.
            The United States is gradually replacing its aging coal fired power plants with gas turbines that burn natural gas. I have heard that China and India are set to build dozens of new coal fired plants. The civilization becomes more and more dependent on electrical power. CO2 levels will continue to go up.


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