
One aspect of climate change I have not heard anyone write about, is the problem of overpopulation. Seven billion today, twelve billion in twenty years. The Earth’s climate hasn’t got a chance. For me to take climate accords seriously, there has to be a plan to mitigate the impact of billions of human beings. My solution is not to limit births or life spans. It is to build or find new habitat in space for future generations. Specifically, mine the asteroids in the asteroid belt for the materials necessary. In this scenario overpopulation becomes an asset. There are a lot of options already thought up, from Mars colonies to orbiting ring worlds to habitats built directly in the asteroid belts as a result of mining operations. My point is that reversing climate change by addressing only CO2 production misses the root cause of the problem. Twelve billion or more humans will require resources the Earth may not be able to provide. Will civilization collapse as we fight for those resources, harming the climate even more? We are at a critical point in our evolution as a species. Let us plan our way out of this problem, using our intelligence, our technology and our persistence.


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