Virginia Rackets

Virginia Rackets
Last year, I was caught speeding in Lexington County Virginia doing 85mph in a 65 zone. Guilty as charged, except I was attempting to pass a truck doing 60 at the top of the hill and 80 at the bottom. I was pulled over and ticketed for reckless driving, a misdemeanor. The truck was not stopped. The following week when I arrived back home, my mailbox was filled with dozens of offers from Virginia attorneys guaranteeing they could get the charges dropped for a fee! Now hold on! A guarantee means only one thing. The attorneys and judges of Virginia are running a racket! I was facing a misdemeanor charge, and a lot of hassle, so I decided to pay the fee and so contribute to their unethical conspiracy. Okay, I’m grumpy about this. But a league between the Virginia judges and attorneys where traffic offenders van be guaranteed charges will be dropped for money is corruption and racketeering. What’s more, it has created an industry of hundreds of crooked attorneys and judges aimed at unsuspecting motorists using federal freeways within the state of Virginia! This situation is wrong, is criminal, and is widespread. Some Federal prosecutor or FBI agent needs to investigate this situation and make their name within the criminal justice system. I will never drive to Virginia again, and I warn my friends about this. It is no wonder tourism to Williamsburg and Jamestown is down.


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