Shade the Planet
Shade the Planet
In previous posts, I discussed why C02 reduction is
improbable. That being the case, what else could we do to reduce the
temperature of the atmosphere? In 1816 the Tambora volcano erupted and put so
much ash into the atmosphere that it reflected enough sunlight to reduce
average temperatures that year as much as 1.3 degrees F. This proves it can be
done. I’m not suggesting we induce some volcano to erupt, but it might be possible
to put some less destructive particle into the stratosphere that will have the
same effect. Do we have commercial
airliners that fly high enough every day? I’m not a chemist but suppose these
planes discharged say 500 pounds of calcium carbonate on every trip, every day,
everywhere. Over time that might be enough to slow, stop or even reduce global
temperatures, and reduce the acidification of the oceans.
Just an idea – Rabb
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