
Showing posts from February, 2019

Shade the Planet

Shade the Planet In previous posts, I discussed why C02 reduction is improbable. That being the case, what else could we do to reduce the temperature of the atmosphere? In 1816 the Tambora volcano erupted and put so much ash into the atmosphere that it reflected enough sunlight to reduce average temperatures that year as much as 1.3 degrees F. This proves it can be done. I’m not suggesting we induce some volcano to erupt, but it might be possible to put some less destructive particle into the stratosphere that will have the same effect.   Do we have commercial airliners that fly high enough every day? I’m not a chemist but suppose these planes discharged say 500 pounds of calcium carbonate on every trip, every day, everywhere. Over time that might be enough to slow, stop or even reduce global temperatures, and reduce the acidification of the oceans. Just an idea – Rabb

Virginia Rackets

Virginia Rackets Last year, I was caught speeding in Lexington County Virginia doing 85mph in a 65 zone. Guilty as charged, except I was attempting to pass a truck doing 60 at the top of the hill and 80 at the bottom. I was pulled over and ticketed for reckless driving, a misdemeanor. The truck was not stopped. The following week when I arrived back home, my mailbox was filled with dozens of offers from Virginia attorneys guaranteeing they could get the charges dropped for a fee! Now hold on! A guarantee means only one thing. The attorneys and judges of Virginia are running a racket! I was facing a misdemeanor charge, and a lot of hassle, so I decided to pay the fee and so contribute to their unethical conspiracy. Okay, I’m grumpy about this. But a league between the Virginia judges and attorneys where traffic offenders van be guaranteed charges will be dropped for money is corruption and racketeering. What’s more, it has created an industry of hundreds of crooked attorneys and jud...

Gun Safety

Gun Safety Treat every gun, loaded or unloaded, as if it were loaded and ready to fire. Never point a gun at a person, including sweeping them while the gun is being handled. When handed a gun, first check and make sure it is unloaded. Rack the slide of a semi-automatic and check for a round caught in the chamber. If children, adolescents or anyone unstable has access to your home, or if burglary may be a problem, then lock up your gun in one place and its ammunition in another. Never carry a semi-automatic with a round in the chamber. Never place your finger on the trigger unless you are ready to fire the weapon. If you are not experienced with guns and feel you need one, then buy a revolver not a semi-automatic. Write down the serial number of your gen and keep it somewhere safe in case it is stolen. Report any stolen gun to the police.

Salt on the Roads

Salt on the Roads One of the reasons our bridges are rapidly deteriorating is the use of salt on the roads. Any new infrastructure legislation needs to solve this problem first. I have two suggestions. Stop using salt to melt ice. Not only does it rust mild steel bridge trusses, it scales the surface of concrete and washes into nearby streams. One substitute might be fly ash from power plants or perhaps some newly created substance easier on the environment. Second idea is to insist that new bridges use a rust resistant steel such as Corten or stainless steel. More expensive, only in the short run. New concrete used needs to be sprayed with a coating resistant to salt, probably after construction. Another idea is to stay home on snow days and telecommute using your home computer or otherwise stay home. If you must travel then use vehicles equipped to do so in snow. We need to deal with salt on the roads before we spend billions on infrastructure only to have it rust away again in t...


Blackface I did not know that blackface was offensive to black people. Suddenly it is a horrible thing to do. Who knew? I think the black community should provide a list of probable offensive stuff, and forgive those of us who did not know this was offensive. After all, Bing Crosby used blackface in Holiday Inn to commemorate Abraham Lincoln’s birthday. I thought it was great and not demeaning at all. Again, are there any more things that are offensive? Please tell us so that we may not offend and be castigated and destroyed such as the way Megan Kelly lost her career. It’s hard to keep up with all the rules!

American Billionaires

American Billionaires I realize Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, and others have committed to giving away much of their wealth. I do not know the extent of their philanthropy or the projects they fund. But I do know there are millions of their fellow Americans who can’t pay their medical bills due to the sorry state of health insurance in this country. So, I have a suggestion. These billionaires should contact all the hospitals throughout the country and offer to pay these bills at fifty cents on the dollar, since hospitals overcharge, with the condition that those patients in debt be cleared of that debt in writing. Or, the billionaires could buy an insurance company and create the mission to accept pre-existing conditions and maintain a liberal policy toward coverage and a reduction of premiums as part of their philanthropic efforts. Just an idea.