Ocean Cities

Ocean Cities
The streets of Miami, for example, are already flooding due to global warming. They are spending millions on elevating streets and ocean walls to keep the water out. My idea is to take a lesson from Venice Italy, only with modern engineering. Spend those millions, instead, on modifying the infrastructure and buildings to accept the ocean as it rises. Expand the city out onto the continental shelf, with vast underwater housing and surface areas fit for cultivation and green areas. Miami could be the first “Ocean City” built to accommodate and embrace the sea and all of its treasures. I realize this city would have to resist ever larger and more destructive hurricanes, but this is an engineering problem solvable with innovative approaches to accommodate wind and water. Even use them as energy sources. I see a Miami of tall glass buildings connected by broad waterways and canals growing eastward with new structures that allow residents to live under or above the surface. A circular building, perhaps 40 stories at the center and tapering down to a single story at the edge. Shaped like a saucer to allow the wind to pass over it like an airplane wing. Buildings supported by steel piles driven into the coral rock below and capped with reinforced concrete, such that the tides and storm surges move underneath the structure instead of against it. Large wind and tidal turbines to make electricity from these forces. Just an Idea.


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