
Showing posts from March, 2019

Bull Run Steam Plant

Bull Run Steam Plant TVA is planning to abandon the Bull Run and Paradise steam plants according to the news. Why not install gas turbines at these locations since there is already a switchyard and transmission lines connecting them to the grid? There are administration buildings and water and rail access. I don’t think abandoning these plant sites makes any kind of sense. A staff to operate the gas turbines could also administer the environmental cleanup necessary for a coal fired plant. TVA, you have a lot of infrastructure already in place. Use it!

Carbon Capture

Carbon Capture It is possible to capture CO2 using an ammonia process. The problem is the amount of power necessary to do it. I suggest the nations of the G8 commit to build several carbon capture plants each, powered by nuclear fission. CO2 could be captured from the ambient air around the plant or from ocean water. After capture the CO2 could be injected into existing depleted oil wells, deep underground. These units could run constantly for the next fifty years, continuously removing CO2 and be part of the solution to climate change. When decommissioned, the spent fuel could be put aboard heavy lift rockets and shot into space. Just an idea.